Do you have a dead space you would like to generate an income from?

Do you have a space you already commercialise but feel it could do better?

Do you work with a space management agency that are not meeting your expectation to increase revenue generation?


If you can answer yes to any of the above then we can help. Place Experts do not manage your space. You still have 100% control. We will collaborate with you to create a marketing plan for your site. This will include connecting you with our extensive database or branding agencies, commercial blue-chip clients, growing businesses with a face to face arm, charities and government funded public services promoters. We also look at your specific blueprint by carrying out our Place Experts Site Analysis (PESA). 

PESA is a concept unique to Place Experts and was developed by us. This takes your marketing plan to the next level, involving the most in-depth analysis of your space. PESA is the exact opposite of most venue management companies who will place promoters in your space that request it only. This does not grow your revenue stream, give a good promoter mix or look at the bigger impact on the space or community.

Place experts take a more holistic approach and focus on three key areas;


What is your vision for the space.  What is the psychology of it and the town, who are you, what is your story, what do people love about your town, what do you like, what would you change


What does the space look like. Where is it, what position within the town centre, what are the dimensions.  What can the space practically take.


This is where we bring psychology and anatomy together along with all of the factual and data led parts such as demographic and footfall. We create a marketing plan tailored to your town looking at how we can increase revenue generation now and how we can future proof this for a sustainable income whilst protecting your community space.

We do not charge the town directly for our service so all revenue generated is your own. Speak to one of our Experts today to see how we can build a better Place together.